Reading List
"You ask about my past reading list. What do you expect me to do? List everything I've ever read?"
Here's a list of stuff that I recently read - in random order. This list isn't exhaustive, I'm not mentioning everything here. Feel free to suggest something that would fit to the rest. I read the works and list them here afterwards, for documentation not endorsement.
- Ellul
- The Technological Society
- Propaganda
- Anarchy and Christianity
- Kaczynski
- Technological Slavery
- Anti-Tech Revolution
- Ship of Fools
- Forster - The Machine Stops
- Tacitus - Germania
- Tolkien - Lord of the Rings
- Linkola - Can Life Prevail?
- Newport - Deep Work
- Hesse - Siddhartha
- Hoffer - The True Believer
- Schwab
- (/Malleret)COVID-19: The Great Reset [German Translation]
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Bhakdi/Reiss - Corona Fehlalarm? [9. Auflage]
- Quammen - Spillover
- Carr - The Shallows
- Taibbi - Hate Inc.
- Hitler - Mein Kampf[1. + 2. Band]
- Rees - Our Final Hour
- Turnbull - The Forest People
- Graeber - Bullshit Jobs
- Anderson - Private Government
- Rees - How To Sharpen Pencils
- Law - Believing Bullshit
- Postman - Amusing Ourselves to Death
- Hackauthor - Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn
- Buck - Das Haus der Erde
- Thürmer - Laufen. Essen. Schlafen.
- Gelderloos - How Nonviolence Protects the State
- Alter - Irresistible
- Kondo - The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
- MacDonald[Pierce] - The Turner Diaries
- Doan - Hooked on Games
- Frank - Diary of a Little Girl
- Foreman - Ecodefense
- Dicey - Smart Phone Dumb Phone
- Graeber - Debt: The First 5000 Years
- Hakemy - An analysis of Debt: The First 5000 Years
Most books here can be found through a Google search or on Library Genesis, if you want to take a look into them.